domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

Present Simple

I prefer to call it habitual present because it's connected to how to use this tense, quite different from the present simple in Spanish, but you can call it as you like. It's referred to habits, routines, general truths, etc.

Present simple is formed with the infinitive and you must add the subject pronoun to know who does the action; e.g.TO PLAY --- I play, they play. there are 2 exceptions:
  • the verb TO BE has 3 forms: I AM - he, she, it IS - we, you, they ARE
  • the verb TO HAVE has 2 forms: I, you, we, they HAVE - he, she, it HAS
But in these two verbs the rule of having an -S in the 3rd person in singular is there. The problem is the spelling and the pronunciation, but it has the same rules as we have for plural forms:
  • ending in CONSONANT+Y ---  -IES e.g. copy -- he copies  but play -- she plays
  • ending in sibilant sound you add an extra syllable  /IZ/ : Peter finishes work at 5
As we saw in the previous lesson with the imperative form, we use DON'T for the negative form, but we have to use DOESN'T for the 3rd person in singular. As I explained in class this auxiliary is like the initial interrogative mark ¿ in Spanish. Have a look the examples: Do you like chocolate? Does she go with you? 

If you want to know something else about this tense go to this useful link but the explanation is in English: and then you can do the exercise at the end of the link or click here

If you need a simpler explanation you can go to this link:

To finish with go to My Name Is Luka : this is a marvellous song and present simple is used in it.
The other song to practise with present (simple and continuous) is Eternal Flame
I hope you can understand this tense. See you in class!

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